All articles
'Back of the pile' problem
'full day' price mode - deep dive
'shoulder' availability checking
24hr mode - deep dive
3 sides of managing Activities, Events & Tours
3 ways to make a booking...
A detailed look at the availability Panel - Generic booking
ad hoc payment recording
Add Facebook "Book Now" button
Adding and Editing Reservation Types
Adding new users
Adding notes to your reservations
Adding pictures / images, notes and sizes for your bikes
Adding, Swapping & Removing inventory in a reservation
adjusting the price of individual items in a rental ticket
Administrator Accounts
Allocating Bikes (EVO mode)
Asset Lifecycle
Auto-allocate rental items
Auto-pricing assets - longer durations
auto-set location information
Automated service recording (with barcodes)
Backing up data
Barcode mode
Barcoding - do's and dont's
Barcoding - setup
Barcoding of bikes - an introduction
bike 'home location' feature
Bike 'post it' notes. AKA mechanic notes.
bikes that need preparing... proposed feature
BRM evo self-registration
BRM evo self-registration flow
BRM integrations - working with other software
BRM kiosk mode
Browser & Device compatibility
Can customers book multiple items at once, when booking online?
Can I have two different prices, like one per hour and one per day?
can I put a 'book now' button on pictures of my inventory?
Can you actually process a transaction using Stripe?
can you auto-cancel online reservations when customer doesn't pay?
Can you book the same item multiple times in the same day?
can you customise your item type (asset type)?
Can you do a waiver signature in the online wizard?
can you include a rental buffer - to allow 'turn around time' for your inventory?
Can you report on the channel of each reservation?
Can you store credit card data in BRM?
can you track referrals from third party sites?
can you un-suspend a bike?
Can you view bookings graphically, like in a spreadsheet?
Cancelling a reservation
Categories disappeared in make reservation?
Changing the status of your assets
Checking availability visually
Client record per rental item
Clone reservation
Collecting rider / skier details per item
Complex pricing of extras
configure any options
creating category specific versions of OBW
Creating Printable Reports (of your data)
Creating rental tickets - Browse mode (aka custom)
Creating rental tickets - Point of Sale mode
current location filter
Custom fields for your Customer records
Customer Data Configuration across your channels
Customer records
Customise columns - by reservation type
customising payment methods
Customising your dates, times etc..
Customising your Invoices / Waivers
Date & time selection - a detailed look at Date Selection Panel
Defining Multiple Reservation Types
deleting reservations
Delivery Management
Delivery Planning Module
Delivery Planning module (EVO mode)
difference between broken bikes and maintenance reservations
Digital waivers - capture signature in-store
Digital Waivers - roadmap
Disabling print preview
Discount Codes (vouchers)
do you even want to know about provisional reservations?
do you need to send an email for a provisional reservation? (made online)
Does BRM handle deposits?
does BRM handle late fees?
does BRM work with a magnetic stripe reader?
does the system auto-extend late returns?
does the system hold back a percentage of inventory when taking bookings online?
Draft reservations
Early returns
Edit online booking link not working
Emailing a copy of reservation, as pdf
Exporting your data (Customers)
Express Payment recording
extending your internet connectivity
Finding rental tickets
fleet management - the golden rule!
For what size fleets is the BRM software suitable?
Full Audit Trail
Full day or 24hr mode - what is your definition of a days rental?
Full service history for each item (service recording)
Further Analysis of BRM data
GBAL concept icon
GBAL index page
Generic Bookings and the Online Booking Wizard
getting agents / partners to sell on your behalf
Getting Help on BRM / RSM
Getting labels printed by BRM....
Getting Started - Putting the Online Booking Wizard on your Website
Getting Started page
getting your customers to add their own notes
Getting your new online OBW live - your checklist
Giphy articles!
Glossary of Terms
Google Accounts
google spreadsheet - change history
Graphing your Rentals
graphs not displaying (uses Adobe Flash) - Problem Solving
Group 'tag'
Handling events
Hardware recommendations
Hiding the application menu (nav bar)
High Volume Handling (BRM EVO)
Highlights video (v)
HIVO mode for online booking
hosting images on your website - a how to guide (e.g. banner images)
How do I add another payment to an existing reservation?
How do I add inventory/assets?
How do I add the logo to my emails?
How do i adjust the inventory item capacity?
How do I change my category icons on the OBW?
How do I change my category images on the OBW?
How do I change reservation status back to "checked out"?
how do I find my inventory spreadsheet?
How do I make modifications to my inventory / fleet?
How do I populate/change "Info" on the OBW?
how do I refund a stripe payment?
How do I remove the M-F-U gender tag from each model's listing? (in OBW)
How do I set a bike to broken?
how do I set up Stripe as a card vault?
How do I set up the new Online Booking Wizard/OBW widget?
How do i swap a bike within a rental ticket?
How do I view Reservations for today?
how do you add a new price point?
How do you remove mechanics notes?
how do you set the location of bikes?
How does BRM track each bike’s usage?
How does Lightspeed inventory relate to BRM inventory?
How is POS different from BROWSE mode?
How LIVE is the data on BRM?
How secure is Stripe?
how to close bike availability after a given date - blocker bookings
how to expand a help article?
How to extend / change Dates & Times of a Reservation
How to extend a reservation
How to send us your inventory
how to show bike ID in the reservation list
How To... : make a booking for a walk-in customer (generic)
How To... : find an existing booking & check-out
How To...: make a booking for a walk-in customer
I've updated my inventory, can I just send you a new spreadsheet?
If stripe is used to store the credit card information, does it integrate back into lightspeed so i can take payment?
ignore cancelled reservations
in EVO what are the 'checkout' and 'cancel' barcodes?
Individual asset Check-in
integrate with lightspeed customers?
inventory checking / management
Inventory Management
Invoice number
item 'current location'
Item safety check
Kiosk mode - example messages
Knowing which bikes to prepare
Late return detection
Lightspeed Integration - BRM to LS
Lightspeed integration - configuration
Lightspeed Integration - LS to BRM
Lightspeed integration - overview
Lightspeed Integration - payment flow
Lightspeed Tax Setup
Lightspeed Training
Linking reservations to client/customer records
location tag in inventory spreadsheet
Login to system
LS integration - sharing customer data.
Maintenance - overview
Maintenance - what next?
Maintenance - workflow
maintenance reservation
Make Generic Bookings - detail
make your first rental tickets
Making a rental ticket
making columns wider
Making Generic Bookings - overview
Manage Fleet - Archiving old inventory in your spreadsheet
Manage Fleet - Asset Management
Manage Fleet - Hierarchy Management
Manage Fleet - how to add items
Manage Fleet - Importing bikes
Manage Fleet - making minor updates to bikes
Manage Fleet - Overview
Managing your reservations
Merging your pre-booked and walk-in reservations...
Minimum Rental Period
multi-language support
multi-lingual online booking
multi-locations - products only in one store
Multi-store example - one fleet
Multiple Locations - overview
Multiple users
New online booking wizard - provisional bookings, deposit and online payment
New Pricing on Reservation Detail Panel
on-boarding phase 2 - starting to use the system
One click printing
Online Booking - Lead Time
Online Booking - Provisional Reservation Timeout (auto-cancel)
Online Booking Configuration Options and Settings
Online Booking is Responsive on all Mobile Devices
online bookings - confirmed or provisional?
out and in location per rental ticket
Overnight 'integrity' check
Overpayments - What happens if I record an overpayment?
Overpayments, corrections & Refunds
Overriding the billable setting for your reservation
Overview - what is BRM all about?
Pay on return mode
Payments overview
Planner View
Point of sale overview
Post rental email
Postcode Lookup
Price alterations - discounting etc
Price Group override
Pricing time periods
Pricing your Assets (using Price Groups)
Pricing your reservations
Primary User
print a list of tomorrow's rentals
Printing - what type of printer?
Printing receipts on Thermal Paper
Problem Solving - 'undo' progress reservation
Problem Solving - "Underlying asset change detected"
Problem Solving - Asset(s) not available for given dates...
Problem Solving - beware of changing your fleet if you have lots of reservations
Problem Solving - Cannot create a SaleLine attached to a completed or cancelled Sale.
Problem Solving - change dates over existing activity
Problem Solving - changing your fleet when you have live rentals
Problem Solving - Generic Assets cannot belong to more than one category
Problem Solving - getting barcode scanner to work
Problem Solving - how can my item not be available when it is not reserved?
Problem Solving - how did I show / hide columns?
Problem Solving - Lightspeed
Problem Solving - LS integration tax issues.
Problem Solving - LSI001 Lightspeed API error
Problem Solving - LSI002 user XYZ not linked to lightspeed
Problem Solving - LSI004 - Lightspeed Invalid Foreign keys for Customer...
Problem Solving - LSI005 Lightspeed Invalid foreign keys for Employee: x
Problem Solving - LSI008 Lightspeed Missing EAN
Problem Solving - Missing column(s) ID
Problem Solving - parent (product line) is full
Problem Solving - pop-up blocked
Problem Solving - refresh BRM
Problem Solving - reservation is not in the state you think it is
Problem Solving - show all bikes checked-out
Problem Solving - trying to swap / add, but get 'parent line has no capacity'
Problem Solving - why can't I edit my bikes within BRM?
Problem solving - why can't I update the status of my bike?
Problem Solving - why findReservation doesn't work
Proceed without payment
Product image - dimensions
Product Line short-codes
Product Lines - what's that all about!?
Product Lines (generic assets) - setup
product sheet
Putting barcodes on your bikes
putting lock codes on your bikes
Re-connecting a reservation to a different client/customer record
Real world proof software
Reconciling Payments
Recording post rental feedback (and or broken items)
Rental disclaimers (waivers)
Rental Ticket
rental-centric system
Reservation Lifecycle
Reservation Selection Criteria
Reservations - 'price altering' changes
retail lite
right click - on a mac
Same customer renting items with varying dates.
scanning in a list of bikes then changing their location
Scanning inventory - stock taking and venn diagrams!
Search by asset id
self registration customisation
self registration for groups
selling 'abstract' things like seats on buses, places on tours...
selling inventory - setting an item to sold
selling packages
Selling tours and renting bikes
Send new customers to Mailchimp
Serial Numbers
set a bike to broken within the maintenance section
Setting assets 'for sale'
setting bike suitability recommendations
setting Extras compatibility
Setting some categories to internal only
setting the order of your Product Lines
setting up your 'ID string pattern:' to find your items quickly
Setting your key store details
setting your sales tax
setting your shop email address
Shop / store holidays (closed dates)
Shop dashboard to check the status of your shop and bikes
Shop opening / closed hours
should you ask for password creation in OBW?
should you embed or link your OBW?
show bikes that are not available (online booking)
show late rentals
show rentals that have items in the wrong location
showing availability in the Online Booking
showing only selected categories on your online booking
Simplified create reservation workflow
Single Page Booking
Size-independent product lines
Snapshot Printing
So how about if you want an online booking - and then to capture signature on customer arrival?
sold out? (online booking)
Sorting your reservations in the Reservation List Panel
Specific or Generic - which should you use?
specifying booking slots
Specifying, setting up, ordering and pricing Extras within Reservations
Spoof 'hightlights video' (v)
spotting discrepancies between amounts paid and received
Stripe - configuration
Stripe Integration - overview
tablet registration and the client ticker
Taking credit card details for Online Bookings
Terms and Conditions
testing inserts
The BRM implementation hierarchy
Top-Tip - Searching within a Page
Tours, packages, activities & events; what is the difference?
Understanding the spreadsheet columns
user roles
using extras as a discounting mechanism - e.g. 'junior' pricing
Using Multiple profiles in your browser
Using the 'order' column to control the order of your bikes
Using the integrated Tutorials (v)
Using the new URL's to access BRM / RSM
viewing Asset History
viewing history of changes to your inventory
Viewing reservations for a specific time-period
walk-in bookings
what access do the different roles enable?
what are the multi-location features?
what are the Ski specific features of BRM / RSM ?
What barcode scanner should I buy?
what does the "In with the red dot" mean?
What if I lose internet connectivity?
what is GBAL mode?
What is the 'paid' column for?
what is the difference between 'safety check', bike prep, service entry and mechanic reservations?
what is the difference between a category and an extra?
what is the difference between card present and card not present transactions?
what is the difference between the two Lightspeed workflows?
what items of inventory count towards your 'item count'
what statistics does BRM produce?
What to do when we have sold a bike?
What's new!
when would you want to use the 'rebook dates' function?
when you save a card using Stripe does it check for available funds?
Where did the left side column menu go?
Which ticket printer do you recommend?
why can't I add / swap a generic item?
why do some reservations start at confirmed?
Winning at your game of Tetris
workflows in the system
Your setup checklist