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'Back of the pile' problem

This is a classic bike-rental issue that divides bike shops. You either have this problem or you don't. The answer will determine how you use a system like BRM.

It all comes down to how you store your bikes, and partly how many you have.

Stacking / leaning your bikes

Can you access individual bikes easily?

Does this look familiar?  (or they may be stacked in a shipping container)

What if I said to you "go and get bike WM304" it might take you half an hour of moving bikes to get to the right one.
Of course no-one does that in reality.  They only stack interchangeable bikes on top of each other. Then you get the one at the 'top of the pile'

If this is you then you need a system that tracks product lines and individual bikes, and lets you allocate specific bikes 'just in time'.  In other words, you need GBAL.

Each bike is individually accessible

Or do you rack bikes really neatly so that you can access each bike by name / number?

Does this look more like your setup:  (or you just have fewer bikes perhaps)

Of course every set up is different but the key point is If I said "go and get bike WM304" you'd be able to do it without moving them all.  You'll know what I mean.

Then, well done, you have good space / access for your bikes meaning you can deal with individual bikes.  That is easier.

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