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tablet registration and the client ticker

A big part of 'evo mode' is moving at high speed.  This involves breaking down the time-consuming parts of rental so that they can be done in parallel.  This means that you can effectively be doing two things at once - or at least your customers can help do some of the work.

Here we see phase one and phase 2 combined:
  1. customer self-registration; in this example on a Samsung Galaxy tablet, but can be any type of tablet
  2. make registration using that customer record; data instantly shared between tablet and back-office.

Here is phase 1;

the customer registers....

And then here is phase 2;

The new client registration appears, like magic, in the BRM back-office in the client ticker.
you make the booking using the new registration.  Registrations appear in real-time in the customer registration ticker.  Used ones disappear to avoid clutter;

Finally, see it all come together in this 30 second video:

(you might want to watch in full-screen to see what's going on)

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