Reservations - 'price altering' changes
Prices are calculated automatically as a function of two things:
- the items in your rental (and their respective Price Group)
- the duration
- swapping / adding / removing items
- changing the duration
A. the system will recalculate the new price after the change.
BUT ....
Q. what happens if you've adjusted the price to be a Top-down price? Surely I might not want the price to change automatically
A. It depends...
This has always been a controversial issue.
Until now when you set a top-down price BRM attempted to lock the reservation so you couldn't change either items or duration.
The trouble was it wasn't very intuitive, and sometimes people would find a way around the lock and swap anyway....
March 2017
We are rolling out a new way to handle user-set prices, and adjustments that might cause a change in price.
From now on when you swap something you may see a decision box like this:
(but only if you have made your own price adjustment)
You then make the decision to keep the old price, or recalculate...