Multiple users

One of the most powerful features of Bike Rental Manager is that you can let multiple users access the system - at the same time. This is certainly not the case if you're using an Excel spreadsheet saved on one machine, for example. ("you cannot access the spreadsheet because user XYZ has it locked..." sound familiar!?)
This is enormously powerful, as shown by the example here, where you have 5 users logged in at the same time, doing different (or the same) jobs;
- bike renter - making bookings at your point of sale - checking out and handling returned bikes
- mechanic - doing service updates on bikes
- boss - is out of the office and wants to keep an eye on things, perhaps even processing email-based enquiries
- delivery person - out on the road - wants to update in real time
- online bookers - accessing your live availability and creating new rental tickets
Unlimited user accounts
Furthermore BRM lets you have unlimited user accounts included in every level of subscription.
This is hugely powerful for 2 main reasons:
- as demonstrated above the software can handle lots of people accessing the system at once, meaning you can be much more efficient.
- each user can have their own account - meaning that we keep a full audit trail of who had done what in your shop - e.g. "USER XYZ added a bike to Reservation ABC on this date"
So what happens if two people try to book the same bike at the same time?
First of all, BRM is designed to make the chances of this happening very small. This is why when you're making a booking we ask you to secure your assets first. Meaning that once you have selected your rental items and your dates - we only ask for a name, then you MAKE RESERVATION. This secures the rental items for your client - stopping anyone else coming in and grabbing those items while you're still talking. Then, if you want to make further refinements, like specifying pedal choices, delivery information etc, you do it against the reserved items.
If you are really unlucky and two people simultaneously grab the same rental items - the system can still cope - it simply creates one winner and one loser. Whoever presses MAKE RESERVATION first will win and the other person will be told they are no longer available.
Because we have engineered the window of opportunity for this to be so small, we estimate that this probably only happens once or twice per year, across all our rental shops!!! So you simply don't have to worry about it!