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Maintenance - what next?

Maintenance - what next?

One of the hardest parts about running a rental operation is ensuring the right bikes are ready at the right time.  This is so hard because it all to often involves heavy duty management time, not just mechanic time.  If you're trying to work out what bikes the mechanic(s) should do next, you need to take into account many different things:
  1. what rentals are coming up? - i.e. what bikes are involved in upcoming rentals
  2. what bikes are broken? - (and involved in upcoming rentals)
  3. heavily used bikes.  Perhaps you've done all the above - but still want to know what next?  - starting with those bikes with the most use since service perhaps..
When I was running my bike shop I used to hate this bit - I had to spend 15-20 minutes in the morning just telling the mechanic what their priorities should be for the day.  This is not a good use of valuable owner / manager time - the mechanic should be able to work it out for themselves.
But equally you can't risk a customer turning up and not having their bike ready.

March 2017

Now, BRM will be able to tell you this information automatically.
If you press on this button in the maintenance section it will:
  1. search for live reservations.
  2. -> when it finds these reservations - break out the reservations into the bikes involved.
  3. -> return the list of bikes (with links back to the reservations involved)
N.B. currently if the same bike is involved in MANY future reservations you won't necessarily see the 'next rental' in the right place.

Where are we going with this feature?

In time this feature will be enhanced to do the following:
  • take into account all of the different reasons a bike might become a repair priority (see above) - not just upcoming rental
  • clear ICONs to represent why the bike is in the list
  • sort by an algorithm to make most urgent at the top
  • make sure if a bike is involved in many future rentals, you do still see the 'next rental'
  • let users change the prioritisation algorithm.

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