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Date & time selection - a detailed look at Date Selection Panel

Date & time selection - a detailed look at Date Selection Panel

Part 2 of the booking process is to select your dates and times (and thereby the rental duration).  

This is done with the Date Selection Panel.  This is a small enough panel, but actually it contains quite a lot of functionality to make it easy to get the job done.

The first thing to note is that it can operate in Express Mode or Custom mode.
  1. Express Mode is designed to be used when you know the actual ID(s) of bikes being checked out, and you want to book them for SAME DAY rentals.  This is for when have lots of through-put in a busy shop.  You can default your system to use Express Mode.
  2. Custom Mode is designed when you're making future bookings, or for bikes from a category.  Its more powerful than Express mode, and so can take a bit longer to understand.
In this article we're going to concentrate on Custom Mode.

The next thing to note are the radio buttons at the top of the panel, just below the tabs.  What you see here depends on your system configuration.  For example you may recognise 24hr bookings, or not:
  1. if you recognise 24hr bookings, ie from 16:00 one day until 16:00 the next day for 1 price then you will see this:                                                
  2. if not then you will simply see this: 

N.B. these radio buttons are simply designed to be a quick way of setting your dates and times in the fields below to something sensible.  Feel free to click through them to see their effect.

When you check availability, get Quotes and ultimately make Reservations, the Dates and times that matter are the ones in the fields below:

Note that you can manipulate these dates and times either directly by clicking on the fields themselves, for example on the 'date picker' icon: 

... the time drop-down                   

or you can use the 'shifter' buttons.  To Either 'shift the start and end dates' keeping the duration the same,  Or by increasing the duration using 'No of days' clickers:  

Once you have your Dates and Times you simply press 'check Availability' to go to the next stage of the process..

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