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Scanning inventory - stock taking and venn diagrams!

Scanning bikes - stock taking

Sometimes you need to literally 'take stock' of your inventory.  Make sure you have all the items you should.

To do this, use the 'stock take' or 'create inventory' page.

In an ideal world, this is just a formality.  i.e. you have 100 units and you scan in 100 units.  All good.
When you have scanned a bike the system updates the 'last updated' field in the manage->asset management page
Simply sort by this column to find all bikes scanned:

However in that example, we assume that you not only find all 100 units, but all 100 were already in your system.
But life is not always that simple, and often when you need a stock-take it's because there are problems.

It is like a venn-diagram.  Two overlapping circles; items in your fleet, and items uploaded into your system.
In an ideal world, both circles overlap 100% and all is good.

But consider this (fairly common) scenario; the circles don't overlap any more:
(this can happen gradually over time, or before you are fully setup)

  1. To the left you scan a unit - and system says - 'inventory not found' - you need to add it.
  2. At the intersection you are scanning bikes in your system -all good.
  3. To the right you have inventory in your system that doesn't get scanned, so:
  • it might be lost
  • it might need to be archived from your inventory (if you no longer have it)

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