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Pricing your reservations

Pricing your reservations

BRM will automatically price up your reservations based on the DURATION and ASSETS in the reservation.  First of all you need to define price profiles for your assets.  You can have as many price groups for your assets as makes for your business.

New June 2017 - ITEM level pricing.

There are 4 types of pricing; as depicted by the images on the button next to your prices in the Reservation Detail Panel.
  1.  AUTO
  2.  TOP DOWN
  3.  % DISCOUNT

1.  Automatic - (default) - this means the price is derived from the DURATION and PRICE
for each asset and added up to make your ASSET SUBTOTAL

here you don't do anything; BRM just calculates the price of each asset in the reservation (based on their price group and duration of rental) to arrive at a sub-total.

2. Top down - this lets you specify a global price for your rental.

to set a Top Down price, simply:
1.overtype the 'Asset subtotal' price - here we've changed from 10 -> 8
2. press the little SAVE icon that appears:

after you save it will look like this:

It will indicate that you've used top-down pricing by showing your field with an orange background and the "Top" name on the pricing button.

3. Discount % - this lets you specify a discount. The discount is then applied to all ASSETS in your reservation, and all extras. It is added up to give you ASSET SUBTOTAL

set set a Discount price, simply :
  1. overtype the discount field
  2. press the little save button that appears:

when you save it will look something like this:

again, it will indicate to you that you have a discount by setting the orange background.

4. Item pricing override.  This let's you set the price for an individual item in your rental.

to set an item price, override the price in the detail (ie the row below in your reservation detail panel)

Remember, before BRM can start pricing up your reservations, you need to set the prices for your bikes (assets)

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