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Stripe - configuration

You need to wire up BRM and Stripe so they can talk to each-other.

First of all, log into your Stripe account and find your API page:

To begin with wire up your TEST ACCOUNT to be BRM, so copy and paste the two keys one at a time, taking extreme care not to mix-up your:
  • secret key
  • publishable key
Then go to your BRM.
Navigate to System->view Configuration->payment providers.   Choose STRIPE,  then paste in your two keys:

Now your Stripe button will be enabled in BRM, allowing you to store cards and take payments from within BRM.

N.B. at first you will have your TEST account wired up, so you can only add TEST cards:

  • TEST card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • exp - anything valid (i.e. in the future)
  • 3 digits - any digits

you can see this stripe reference when you look at that reservation
(and a link when you look at that customer)
you can add dummy transactions too.

Once that works, you will want to go back and add in the REAL keys.

Then you can add REAL cards, and make REAL transactions against them.

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