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Checking availability visually

Checking availability visually

Scheduling your rental items efficiently can be a tricky business.  You want to get the maximum use out of them, which is why we always check your availability - and show you visually - when making bookings.  (it also makes double-bookings impossible)

This helps you pack in your bookings in the most efficient manner, without slowing you down.

For example, when you book your rental items we actually run through a 5 step process:

  1. what category are you interested in?
  2. what dates are you interested in?
  3. select specific items
  4. get quote
  5. make booking
Of course when you know what you're doing this can be very quick, taking around 15-20 seconds.  But the crucial part is that you always pass by stage 3 - where you visually see your availability.

In this example, we were looking for 
  • Hybrid Sport Bikes (category)
  • 17th Feb -> 22nd Feb (our date range)

As soon as we finish stage 2 of the process, we press the check Availability button, which shows us the availability visually.  Of course we can use this same procedure when dealing with enquiries about availability, only you stop at Step no3.  i.e. you can use the same procedure merely to see your availability - even if you have no intention to actually go ahead and book.

You may also be interested in seeing your existing bookings in planner mode:

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