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rental-centric system

rental-centric system

BRM / RSM is a rental-centric system.

Meaning that it's all about your rental tickets.
Rental tickets are what you sell.  (stuff for a defined period of time, for a price)
BUT underpinning each rental is your inventory.

So, most of the time you will be operating on rentals.  
  • creating rentals
  • recording payments,
  • checking out, checking in. etc

BUT sometimes you care about individual inventory items too.
normally for these 3 reasons:
  1. Item preparation - set up your kit the way the customer needs it.
  2. Item availability - you can't take a reservation if you can't fulfil the order
  3. logistics - getting the right kit int the right place at the right time

As such it's really two systems in one, cleverly linked in all the right places:

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