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retail lite

Sometimes people contact us and ask if they can use BRM / RSM to manage the sale of a small amount of retail items alongside their rental operations.

This feature is in its planning phase and we refer to it as 'retail-lite'.
It is intended to be for organisations which are principally renters but also do a small amount of retail to support their rental operation.

We would imagine no more than 20 SKU's of retail items.
if you have any more than that then you will most likely want a full POS / ecommerce system.

Broadly the functionality will be as follows:
  1. create an inventory item as retail - rather than rental.
  2. give it a price
  3. enable you to include it in a rental ticket (alongside rental items or free-standing)
  4. (we may or may not track inventory levels)

This will most likely be an optional extra on top of the base BRM packages.

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