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Product image - dimensions

Product image - dimensions

So, you're all set up and you're now adding the icing on the cake - images of your beautiful inventory!

What size of image?

actually the image size doesn't matter but the the aspect ratio. (rectangular, or landscape)
BRM will automatically re-size the image to be good.
however it doesn't re-shape an image coz that is more complicated to get right.

optimal size
For example the default image we supply (before you upload inventory) is:
793 x 525 pixels
weighing in at 235Kb file size
(you don't want or need any bigger than  that)

we recommend good quality images with a clean white background.

This is good: (rectangular landscape image)

279 x 181  (but can be larger)
aspect ratio = 1.5:1 (width / height)

This is no good: (square image)

225 x 224 
aspect ratio = 1:1

When you use a square image it will appear 'squashed' in your online booking wizard:

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