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inventory checking / management

Inventory Checking  (stock takes)

One of the things about having lots of inventory is that it becomes a job just
keeping track of your inventory (let alone the reservations taken against that inventory)

We explore this when we talk about your implementation hierarchy.

Bikes and equipment go out and back so fast it's difficult sometimes to keep track of exactly where all your kit is. In order to catch up after really busy periods sometimes you need to dreaded manual stock takes, which can take 2 people ages.

To make this easier BRM also has some inventory management tools at your disposal

Scanning to update your inventory

BRM has dedicated page for doing these rapid inventories, the fleet->createInventory page:

Imagine you're not sure where all your bikes are, and want to take stock.

Scan them in.  Then change the status accordingly - normally to 'ready' if they are ready to go.

Then take a look in your fleet->manage->asset management page
sort by your 'Modified' column and it will show you the ones you have scanned in.

any that are missing will be at the bottom of the list (not modified recently)

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